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The Top 4 Acne Care Products For Users Who are Suffering From Acne

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Dr. Lim Ing Kien

Dr Ingky, or Dr Lim Ing Kien, is a qualified medical doctor in the field of Aesthetic Dermatology and Skincare. He is also an avid content creator on Instagram, Youtube and Tiktok. Being the founder and CEO of skynfyx.com, he truly believes that healthy skin reflects a healthy body, mind and soul.
"Cleansing is the first step to proper skincare and choosing the right cleanser will ensure that you achieve the desired result and get the most from the rest of your skincare regime. It can be difficult to choose the right cleanser especially when there are so many brands in the market.The simplest way to figure this out is to understand what skin type you have and choose a cleanser accordingly." - Dr. Lim

Acne is the common cause of “dark spots”. Most people suffering from raging acne are aged between 12 and 25 years. But of course, anyone older and younger people are affected too. 

There are small sebaceous glands just under your skin surface to produce oil (sebum) that keeps your skin supple and smooth. Then, tiny pores will allow the sebum to come onto the surface of your skin. How acne can happen is that some of these pores weren’t clean and got blocked, causing inflamed spots.

Different types of acne require different types of treatment. And the treatment that’s right for you depends on your individual condition as well. If you have mild to moderate acne, such as whiteheads or blackheads, your treatment should be relatively easy. However, if you have cystic or inflammatory acne, your treatment may be more challenging. 

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In today’s article, our medical skin doctor, Dr. Lim from Skynfyx - an online digital skin doctor platform that offers free consultations, shares what type of acne you may be having and which type of acne treatment will suit you the best.

Our recommendation post here is written based on the most frequently asked question that we’ve received: What are the differences between Adapalene, Benzoyl peroxide, Tidact and Isotretinoin?

Let’s start with Isotretinoin.


Isotretinoin is a drug used to treat severe acne that doesn't respond well to other treatments. It may be prescribed for other uses such as for other skin problems and even certain kinds of cancer. This drug is a vitamin A derivative (retinoid), so your body reacts to it in a similar way that it does to vitamin A. 

Because vitamin A can build up in your tissues, it can quickly become a problem. Therefore, you shouldn’t take vitamin A supplements while taking Isotretinoin. It can do a good job of clearing up your skin, but there are some potential side effects. Luckily, most of the effects will fade within a few weeks after you stop taking it.

The dose is tailored to each person, and treatment will usually last for four to five months. Take note that you should never take more than what’s prescribed to you. 

Isotretinoin is available in a variety of brand names, including Absorica, Amnesteem, Claravis, Myorisan, and Sotret.

Tidact or Clindamycin

Tidact is known as a topical antibiotic that treats mild to moderate acne. This treatment type is not much different from Clindamycin. 

For Tidact, it usually comes in gel form and can also be combined with clindamycin phosphate 1.0% to prevent the spread of bacteria P. acne. Another use for Tidact is to reduce fat as well as purify the pores. You can expect excellent results if you combine treatment with retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. Because with the said combinations, they will help to unplug blocked pores. 

Another similar Tidact treatment that you can also look for is the combination with Tretinoin in a gel form called Treclin. 

Overall, Tidact is applied to the skin just like a lotion, solution, or gel, and should also be applied not just onto the individual spots but to the surrounding areas of the skin. Take note that one of the most common side-effects you may experience is mild skin irritation.

Adapalene A.K.A Differin

You probably know Adapalene by its more common brand name called Differin. This treatment is a retinoid-like compound that is used for mild to moderate acne but is best used to treat acne that still in the form of small tiny bumps. 

To understand Adapalene, it’s classified as a keratolyticor, in simpler terms, a super exfoliator. So technically, it keeps dead skin cells and oil from plugging up your pores to prevent not only the formation of acne but also whiteheads and blackheads. Adapalene also helps to reduce inflammation. 

It’s important for you to know that Adapalene works by stopping tiny bumps from forming under the skin's surface. Therefore, spot-treating existing tiny bumps won’t be effective. This is why it is suggested to be applied all over your face like a moisturiser if you are constantly suffering from acne. 

One should persist in using Adapalene, even if the acne seems stubborn when you first start using it. Try not to be frustrated because this process is perfectly normal. It may take about 4 to 8 weeks before you notice an improvement for good.

Check Differin Adapalene Gel price below:

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known ingredient for fighting acne. It works to treat and prevent acne by killing bacteria underneath the skin, as well as help pores to shed dead skin cells and excess sebum (oil). They are commonly available in over-the-counter (OTC) gels, cleansers, and spot treatments and can come in different concentrations for mild to moderate breakouts.

Because Benzoyl peroxide comes in the form of many acne treatment products, it’s important to select the right one for your skincare concern as well as preference. 

For example, you may prefer to use a wash formulated specifically for your body rather than your face. Or you might decide to choose a gel for its effectiveness over stubborn skin. 

Check OXY 10 Acne Treatment price below:

Another way to choose the right type of treatment is according to the appropriate concentration for you. The concentration that you choose may depend on your skin’s sensitivity. 

Some people’s skin can tolerate a higher percentage of benzoyl peroxide (up to 10 percent) whereas others may prefer a lower percentage. What concentration you should use also depends on where you apply the benzoyl peroxide. 

After all, the face is rather sensitive, so many users choose a lower concentration (about 4 percent). Whereas, the chest and back are more resilient and can tolerate a higher concentration. 

Benzoyl peroxide is typically found in the following acne treatment products:

  • Acne creams and lotions: typically applied once or twice a day on the entire affected area as both a treatment and preventive measure
  • Face washes and foams: use once or twice a day to help prevent acne and treat existing lesions
  • Acne body washes and soaps: ideal if you have frequent breakouts on the chest, back, and other areas of the body
  • Gels: tend to come in the form of spot treatments with higher concentrations and are typically applied only to the affected area


  • Adapalene: Suitable to treat whitehead and blackhead. Good to prevent acne but not treat existing ones
  • Tidact: Good for mild to moderate acne cases
  • Isotertinoin: Used to treat severe acne that hasn’t responded well to other treatment types
  • Benzoyl peroxide: Can treat mild and severe acnes. This is highly dependable on its concentration in the product.

Acne is a very treatable condition. When your basic lifestyle changes don’t seem to do the trick, then you might try the acne treatment that our skin doctor has suggested. 

If you need something stronger than drugstore acne creams and you can’t get an appointment with your usual dermatologist, come and talk to the skin doctors at Skynfyx! Skin doctors like Dr. Lim have several years of experience in the skincare field and are happy to assist you and suggest the next steps for treatment via online chat. 

Skynfyx is run by a group of skin doctors and skincare experts who want you to achieve flawless skin at the cheapest possible rate. With Skynfyx, you can customise a skincare range that’s made exclusively just for your skin.

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