Real talk – how many women experience discomfort during that time of the month when your uterus goes ballistic and threatens physical violence because you are not pregnant? Discomfort is the understatement of the century, considering that we are balled up in agony.
It does NOT help when we also feel extremely gross down there. This is why we need good quality sanitary pads which will help curb that horror show.
If you have a sensitive vajayjay and get rashes down south, you need organic and natural cotton pads to soothe your skin. People who have heavy, Niagra-Falls-like periods need longer and more durable pads. Our list has them all.
Most importantly, remember to change your pad every four hours or so and not more as you do not want to sit in a pool of bacteria the entire day.

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Top 9 Sanitary Pads in Malaysia

Why It’s Our Top Pick
There is a reason why ‘organic’ is good. Aside from it being the more ethical choice, this sanitary pad that’s made of 100% organic cotton is free from the fragrance and chlorine components that are unhealthy for our nether regions. The cotton used is also GOTS certified, hypoallergenic, and ultra-thin – no more pad bulk!
This product is thin but still does the job, with up to 130ml absorption power using a 100% certified organic cotton sheet. It contains a nanosilver and a bamboo charcoal layer to control any smell that may arise too. One box contains 16 pieces of 240mm pads with wings.
People who bought this pad have continued to use them. The pad is soft to the touch and wear, and does not cause itchiness when wearing the pad. According to its size, it is a bit more suitable for day wear.

Honestly, once you’ve discovered pads with wings, there’s no turning back. Why would anyone? The wings are an additional layer of protection for the sides which tend to overspill – leaving your undies fresh instead of like a bloodbath after a DC movie.
You can 3 packs with 16 pads in each with this bundle. Its SecureFit technology works to make sure you ‘ngam ngam fit!’, as the brand suggests. There are also deep flow channels(DFC) that allow for your blood to seep through and prevent overspilling so you can go about your day worry-free!
This pad is super absorbent and gets the job done. When you are having one of your heavy flow days, slap on a winged pad and you needn’t think about it for the entire day. It is a full cotton pad, which makes it easier for some women to wash it before disposal.

Alright, you know how we pop a mint before a date or an interview so we don’t stank up the place? The whole idea by Sofy is to do the same for your vagina, so you feel minty fresh all day long.
This is great for Malaysian weather where the combination of sweat and heat can cause greater discomfort.
This is a 35cm pad with 6 pieces in a pack. You get up to 5 hours of cooling sensation as you course through your day. The cool mint sheet has natural plant essential oil. Besides, its superior absorption technology reduces the feel of wetness so you don’t feel like you are sitting on damp wood.
Cool as a cucumber – is what some reviewers think. There is a sense of comfort in the cool feeling and reassurance that any residual smell will not emanate from down under. Though you needn’t apologize for that, a bad smell will surely make you a tiny bit uncomfortable too.

After a day of cramps and discomfort, all you want is a good night’s sleep but you most definitely do not want to wake up and realize you’ve bled all over your aesthetic, white bedsheets (though why would you use white bedsheets during your period?). This is why you need to wear a longer pad with double layers so you could just sleep through without any fear.
These are Kotex’s 41cm overnight pads with 6 pieces in a pack. There is a rear wing for more than 50% back protection, and an emboss system that provides protection around the whole pad.
People find this sanitary pad their go-to whenever they have really heavy flows or when they need a peaceful night. The additional layers and wings will make sure that the pad is secure so your blood stays within the pad even if you toss and turn.

One issue with wearing sanitary pads is the bulk, and you sometimes feel like you are wearing a full diaper – not a great look when wearing skirts and pants with a tight fit.
The ultrathin wing version by Kotex does not disappoint in terms of absorbency, yet is much sleeker. It has also been tested and stays in place despite 10,000 steps!
This pad is 28cm in length and only about 0.8mm in thickness. You also get 10 pieces in one pack. It is ‘space grade’, meaning that it is made with ultralight absorbent material.
Lightweight and thin, what’s not to like? Of course, users do get a bit worried about its absorbency, but the pad works well for daily use and will accommodate the user at work and the gym, even for cardio!

Some periods last longer and are heavier than others, and this is when you need more protection. With a wider and longer pad, you don’t have to keep checking it for any overspill. Compared to other Whisper pads, it is 35% longer and 20% wider just to cater for when Aunty Flo decides to come in heavy that month.
One pack comes with 10 pads of 31cm in length. The top sheet is airy and gives space for your vagina to breathe, which is important so you do not get rashes. It is chamomile scented though people with more sensitive skin that do not do well with scents may be wary of this.
A very durable pad – this one can withstand even the heavier flows with no problem. The cotton base makes it easy to wash the pad before disposal, and it is comfortable to wear without making you feel too uncomfortable with so much blood gushing out.

As women, our gripe with society is that we have periods because we are expected to sire children, but we have to pay for our pads, which is just plain unfair. However, until a better system is implemented, Poise pads are on the lower end of the price range and still have good reviews.
Poise maintains that the pads are suitable for both lighter flows and even for women after childbirth or overnight use. It is made with nonwoven material, cellulose, and super absorbent polymer. You get 16 pads in this pack, 24.8cm long.
For its low price, Poise pads are the same quality as the other sanitary pads in the range. It is supposedly 2x more absorbent, and people who use it are generally satisfied with its wear and absorbency.

Did you just get your period? Welcome to the big girl club, though everything is not always rainbows and sunshine. Your first periods may not be as heavy, and you want to introduce your body and schedule to the concept of wearing pads first. Intimate pads are slim but also come with wings so you don’t feel so overwhelmed by the bulk but are still well-protected just in case you experience your first ‘sneeze-flush’.
There are two packs with 16 pads each in both. The pad is designed with a soft contour that hugs the curvature of your vagina for a secure fit. The comfort-dry absorption keeps your blood inside the pad without any moist or sticky feeling.
Slim winged pads with soft surfaces are not always so easy to find, but Intimate always trumps in terms of utility and softness. Teens and tweens love it as it is a great start to the mid-level flows of start-up menstrual cycles.

What’s one of the annoying parts of period blood? Yes, that they get all over your nice panties. The thing is, what if your entire pair of undies is a pad on its own? Then, you wouldn’t have dirty your cute lacey ones and you can just toss them in the bin! Revolutionary.
This is also good for mummies who just gave birth, as there may be some leftover blood or discharge.
Period panties provide 360˚ protection, and if it gets a bit messy, you can throw them away. Kotex caters for sizes from S-XL, so remember to base it off the chart when you are buying one. Each pack comes with 2 pairs.
Period panties are great for moms during their confinement period as it can get a little hard to even put on a pad (or even clothes, let’s be real) during that period. Users say that they do not get leaks no matter how they toss and turn in their sleep, so this would be a good option for people with heavy flow, too.
- Can you swim with a sanitary pad?
TDLR – not advisable. For a bevy of reasons, really.
First off, it is going to be extremely uncomfortable if your pad were to stick out of your bathing suit. Even if you are all covered up, you gotta consider that the absorbent tendencies of your pad are finite. Absorbing water in the pool, it won’t be able to serve its purpose of absorbing your menstrual fluid.
If you want to swim while on your period, menstrual cups or tampons would be the better options.
- Do pads expire?
Like everything on earth, they do expire. Over time, the sanitary pad starts to disintegrate or accumulate bacteria and dust even if it is closed up. Always adhere to the expiry date on the packaging of the pad and throw it away once the time is up to avoid irritation or infection.
Don’t skimp on such items, as your vagina is very sensitive, especially at that time of the month.