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Amazfit ChatGPT AI

AI Tool ChatGPT Is Coming To Smartwatches As Well

One step forward for artificial intelligence.

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Following the ongoing hype around OpenAI's AI language model ChatGPT, many companies are looking to integrate the tool into their products and interfaces. Amazfit is one such company: just recently, they announced the world's first ChatGPT-coded smartwatch.

With ChatGPT, Amazfit claims that their smartwatches will be "smarter", in a sense, providing human-like AI-based responses by greeting you and providing customized information with regard to fitness and health data. 

As the world's first wearable to have an AI-powered watchface, Amazfit has integrated ChatGPT into the company's self-developed smartwatch operating system, the Zepp OS. This means that T

With this step forward in AI-human interaction, we should be seeing more products getting fitted out with artificial intelligence soon - whether this is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

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