Emojis have practically become their own language. Sometimes, my parents send unintelligible strings of emojis to each other in the family chat group – so I’m pretty sure that they’ve figured out a code that I’m not supposed to know.
Still, who doesn’t love a good emoji? There’s the all-too-famous poop (and the fact that the ice-cream is essentially just the poop on a cone), the myriad of food and drink emojis, and the various hand gestures – let’s be real; everyone, at some point, has been immensely grateful for the middle-finger emoji.
Some people pepper each text with emojis – and if you’re one of them, we’ve got some fantastic news for you. There are 161 new emojis for you to play around with. We’ve gone ahead and selected twenty of the most amusing, this time around. Now, there’s truly an emoji for everyone.
The new batch of emojis are scheduled for a June 2018 release, so stop postponing those software updates!

There’s really no reason why there should be a foot emoji, because all I can think about whenever I see it is how bad it probably smells. Speaking of which, here's some foot deodorant powder, if you ever need it.

Secretly, I wish mooncakes were available year-round, but I’ll have to be content with looking at an emoji mooncake, and wistfully stroking my screen.
Nazar Amulet

The only purpose that this probably serves is to keep bad vibes away from your phone. Obviously, change your ex’s name to this emoji.

Release your inner grandma by responding to those pesky, “What are you doing this weekend?” by letting them know that you’ll be getting down to the knitty-gritty.
Ginger Man

Nope, not gingerbread man. Ed Sheeran finally has his own emoji, and you’ll never need to type his ghastly name into your phone, ever again.

I can’t tell you the exact purpose of this emoji, but maybe you’ll use it. Especially if you know an orthopaedic surgeon.
White-haired Emoji

It’s just a scalp with white hair, and honestly, it’s great for parents. Whenever you’re furious at your children, send them this emoji to show them that they’ve turned your hair white, overnight.
Leafy Green

I suppose vegans do use emojis sometimes – how else will they inject some joy into their lives? I’m not sure who else would need this emoji.
Salt Shaker

Finally, an emoji for those days when everyone’s pissing you off, and you’re feeling extra… salty. It’s also a great emoji to use when you need to remind someone to season their cooking.

I’ll bet that this emoji was modelled after Idris Elba’s leg – it’s toned and muscular in a way that I’d only assume is possible in emoji-land, or on Idris Elba.

In case eggplants and peaches have become too mainstream, there’s now the mango emoji. Use your emojination (heh); I’m sure you’ll find a use for it.

To quote the late, great Whitney Houston, “I want to see the receipts!” – and she was right. Tell people that you need to see receipts, with an emoji.

On days when you’ve managed to get out of bed, but wanted to stay in, you should celebrate this superhuman feat. Tell your friends how badass you are, featuring this generic superhero emoji.
Pirate Flag

Remember the good ol’ days when “Pirate” was a Facebook-approved language? Reclaim your seafaring days of glory. Just don’t tell people how seasick you got on that unicorn float last year.
Hiking Boot

I’m really unsure how the emoji creators haven’t been sued by now, because these are right out of the Timberland store. What’s next – Air Force 1 emojis?! Because I’d love that.

The female supervillain just looks like she's had a rough day. It's nothing that a spa night and a haircut won't fix, though.

Whenever someone texts you to ask you what’s for dinner, send them this emoji. And then, when they finally show up, tell them your finger slipped.
Woozy Face

I felt incredibly attacked when I saw this, because it’s an accurate representation of me (and everyone I know) when I’ve had a few drinks too many. I know I’ll be using this often, and gladly.
Red Packets

“What do you want for your birthday this year?”, your family and friends ask you. Avoid terrible gifts with this emoji – just make sure they’ll take you seriously.
Chess Pawn

I literally have no idea why they have a chess pawn emoji when there’s no nacho bowl emoji, but okay. You win some, you lose some.