As Asians, soy sauce stays at the top of our list when it comes to marinating and cooking. It adds and enhances tons of flavours to our everyday meals. Whether you like your soy sauce thick or thin, they flavour your food differently. Check out the many types of soy sauce below that will suit your tastebuds.

MommyJ Organic Soy Sauce is made with just a few ingredients, mainly sea salt. Its sweetness comes from natural sugarcane, and everything else is soybeans and water. That means no MSG or artificial sugar. If you want the pure taste of soy sauce, MommyJ is undoubtedly a decent option.

There’s a lot of flavour to a good soy sauce. But if you prefer something less salty, then Bebefood Low Sodium Soy Sauce is for you. The three-year fermentation process removes most of the sodium, and it contains oligosaccharide and bifidobacterial to give you better digestion.

Double Camel’s Dark Soy Sauce gives your cooking a delicious-looking colour. It's also rich in flavour and thick in texture. You should use this soy sauce when you're stir-frying your dishes.

Kikkoman Sushi and Sashimi Soy Sauce are designed specifically for sushi, sashimi and all kinds of seafood. It’s light, bright and doesn’t overpower the taste of natural seafood. Besides, this soy sauce can be used to flavour non-seafood dishes as well.

Eden Organic Shoyu Soy Sauce is perfect if you are making soup-based dishes. The tamari in the ingredients is what made this shoyu unique. This is the secret ingredient the ramen-makers usually use in restaurants.

Bragg Liquid Aminos is a great soy sauce replacement. It's made from amino acids from soybeans with all the unhealthy carbohydrates taken out. What you get is soy sauce that’s not only friendly for vegetarians but great if you're on a Keto diet.

Mahsuri Sweet Soy Sauce is what makes mee goreng, and Ramlee burgers scrumptious. If you want to recreate your favourite mamak food, then you'll need this in your kitchen. Additionally, this product is certified halal.

If you like your soy sauce with an extra kick, then Enaq's Kicap Pedas is for you. It’s part soy-sauce and part tongue-burning tabasco. So, you can be sure it’ll taste great with your homemade Ayam Goreng and Sup Soto.
Disclaimer: The pricing shown is just a good indication of how much these products are worth. The prices could change based on the e-commerce promotions that are going on. If some of the products are not available, do email us at [email protected]. Thanks!