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Seeing the Light with QuadroStar PRO YELLOW Laser Treatment

Zap your way to your dream skin!


Karyn chevron_right

Coffee, please.

In this day and age, wanting flawless skin is nothing new. We don’t even need to go far to prove this; the Internet is rampant with skincare advice, our local pharmacies are stocked-full with beauty products, people are building their skincare regimes in ways unlike before, and aesthetic technology is becoming increasingly accessible to give you your dream skin in speedy, painless methods.

Having already tested all the former methods, Clique Clinic @ Bangsar gave us the opportunity to experience the latter when they invited us over to talk about the QuadroStar PRO YELLOW treatment and to try it out for ourselves. As the treatment is both suitable for males and females, Gavin joined me for the session. We were received by Dr Christie Moey, an aesthetic physician of 5 years, who patiently answered all our questions and did her best to explain everything as thoroughly as possible.

What is QuadroStar PRO YELLOW treatment?

In general, lasers can be distinguished into two types: ablative lasers that work by damaging the superficial layer of the skin, and non-ablative lasers like QuadroStar PRO YELLOW whose technology allows the laser beam to bypass the superficial layer and into the dermis to target various issues.

Using yellow light, QuadroStar PRO YELLOW is a laser of 577 nanometer (nm) wavelength which is especially effective to treat any melanin and haemoglobin-related problem. Among others, this includes issues such as acne scars and blemishes, melasma, pigmented lesions, haemangiomas and telangiectasia (spider veins).

How is QuadroStar PRO YELLOW treatment special?

Although highly effective to treat haemoglobin-related problems, Dr Christie acknowledges that QuadroStar PRO YELLOW might not be the best treatment for pigmentation problems as compared to other lasers. However, what makes this technology different is that it is especially suitable for Asian skin types, including those of darker skin tones.

Before picture of me
(Skin concerns: whiteheads, uneven skin tone and clogged pores)

Hence, despite there being other lasers that are better at targeting pigmentation, it does not necessarily mean that the laser is compatible with the skin type. As a result, it might lighten the pigmentation, but it might also cause inflammation. This is why it is common to hear people complaining about the condition of their pigmentation even after going through treatment.

Before picture of Gavin
(Skin concerns: acne, uneven skin tone and random patches of redness on the face)

Thus QuadroStar PRO YELLOW is good in two ways: firstly, for those with pigmentation who can’t use strong settings on another machine, it is possible to adopt a combination method where a lower setting is utilised, and QuadroStar PRO YELLOW is added on to achieve better results. Secondly, for Indian or darker skin types who can’t go for conventional lasers, the mildness of QuadroStar PRO YELLOW makes it a good option to consider.

What does a treatment comprise?

A typical treatment session takes less than 30 minutes. For Gavin and I, our treatments took approximately 20 minutes each. Each session starts with a consultation and assessment conducted by a physician, and a clinic assistant then helps to clean the area that is to be treated. “Before” photos are taken before the treatment commences so that the patient can observe how their condition has improved over time.

Treatments are also tailored according to the patient and their concerns. As my skin has been breaking out lately, I underwent the treatment mode which includes a scanner with integrated skin cooling being used to target a larger area. Gavin’s skin was not flaring up in any particular manner, hence his treatment was conducted using a handpiece which allowed for precise and customisable spot treatment.

On both our parts, we felt zero to minor discomfort and this is generally how it is for most patients. There is also no downtime to the treatment, making it easy for patients to resume their day as usual without worrying about redness.

How soon can results be seen?

1 week post treatment

Results vary based on the severity of the condition that is being treated. The same goes for the number of treatments that your physician might recommend you to do. Nonetheless, most patients would typically notice that their skin is immediately brighter post-treatment. The rest of the results will then start to show in two weeks when old cells fall away and new skin cells begin to emerge.

Our thoughts

Being completely new to aesthetic treatments, much less laser treatments, we were pleasantly surprised to discover how quick, easy and painless lasers can be. It must also be acknowledged that the fact that we were doing it in a clinic with an experienced practitioner did much to make us feel more secure pre-treatment. And this is something that we would highly recommend everyone interested in lasers to take into account.

Although we did not notice any noticeable results from our treatment, this could be due to us having only gone through it once. Despite this, after understanding how the QuadroStar PRO YELLOW technology works, we have no doubt that it is capable of doing what it says it can do.

To learn more about QuadroStar PRO YELLOW, contact Clique Clinic for more information.

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