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HarmonyOS NEXT

Bye Bye Google—For Good This Time: HUAWEI Beta Launches HarmonyOS NEXT, Sheds Android Compatibility

It looks like Huawei is officially breaking up with Android for good!

HUAWEI is finally saying farewell to Android by announcing the HarmonyOS NEXT, a new version of its proprietary operating system, the HarmonyOS. HarmonyOS NEXT will embrace a fully independent architecture and remove support from Android apps entirely.

Since the 2020 ban that transformed Huawei's business landscape, the company has been committed to developing HarmonyOS as its own platform for phones, tablets, and more. However, HarmonyOS's attempt at recreating Google Play Store in the form of the App Gallery has been faced with numerous criticism, especially in terms of user interface and bloatware.

This latest update, announced last year, retains a similar visual appearance to the Android-based platform Huawei has used so far. However, it sheds the Linux kernel and AOSP (Android Open Source Project) codebase, opting instead for a Huawei-developed kernel and system. Huawei claims HarmonyOS NEXT offers a 30% boost in overall performance and a 20% reduction in power consumption compared to HarmonyOS 4. This means faster app launches, smoother multitasking, and longer battery life for users.

One of the standout features is Harmony Intelligence, Huawei's suite of AI-powered functionalities that enhance device capabilities. Here's what it includes:

  • Image Generation: Create unique images on-device.
  • Sound Repair: Improve audio quality seamlessly.
  • Image-to-Audio Descriptions: Assist visually impaired users with detailed audio cues.
  • Text-to-Speech: Read on-screen content aloud for better accessibility.
  • AI Integration for Third-Party Apps: Developers can incorporate real-time text reading, smart form filling, and instant image or text translation.

HarmonyOS NEXT is designed to work across multiple screen sizes, making it versatile for various devices. Security is also a top priority, with stricter application verification methods ensuring that only authorized apps access system resources. Granular permission controls allow users to manage app behaviours, and end-to-end data encryption safeguards sensitive information during transmission.

Currently, HarmonyOS NEXT is available for a limited number of beta testers in China, with a full commercial release scheduled for Q4 2024. This gives developers ample time to adapt their applications to the new architecture, ensuring a smooth transition for users.

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