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Interview: BLACKMORES Shares Easy Solution for Eye Care in a Digital Era

Seeing clearly in the digital age

With the rise in digital device usage, eye health issues have become widespread across all age groups. From students to professionals and social media enthusiasts, prolonged screen time often leads to symptoms of digital eye strain, including fatigue and discomfort. BLACKMORES, rooted in naturopathic principles, emphasizes prevention and natural remedies to tackle these modern challenges head-on.

"At BLACKMORES, we believe in holistic wellness. Our mission is to empower individuals to prioritize their eye health as part of their overall well-being journey. Through ongoing research and advocacy, we aim to raise awareness and inspire positive lifestyle changes for long-term vision wellness," says Kumaran Chandrasergaran, Country Manager of BLACKMORES Malaysia and Singapore.

Prevention is key when caring for your eyes. In addition to taking breaks and adjusting screen brightness, incorporating eye supplements into your daily routine can provide valuable support against prolonged screen exposure.

Effective eye health supplements contain key ingredients like Lutein and Zeaxanthin, derived from natural sources such as Marigold flowers. These antioxidants protect eyes from free radicals and aid in blue-light filtering. Maintaining the optimal ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin (5:1) ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness.

By harnessing the benefits of Lutein (10 mg) and Zeaxanthin (2 mg), individuals can alleviate eyestrain, enhance contrast, and maintain cellular health, promoting healthy eyesight holistically.

As digital reliance grows, BLACKMORES leads the charge for natural solutions in digital eye health, empowering individuals to embrace the digital world with clarity and confidence. With over 90 years of expertise and multiple Trusted Brand Awards, BLACKMORES delivers high-quality supplements tailored to diverse needs, including halal and vegan options.

For more information on BLACKMORES natural healthcare products, visit blackmores.com.my.

Exclusive ProductNation Interview — Mr Kumaran Chandrasergaran, Country Manager of BLACKMORES Malaysia & Singapore

- What are the roles of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in maintaining optimal eye health, particularly in relation to their functions within the eye structure?

Lutein and Zeaxanthin play vital roles in maintaining optimal eye health. These carotenoids are concentrated in the macula, where they filter harmful blue light. According to Mr Kumaran Chandrasergaran, “This filtering function helps protect retinal cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.” Their antioxidant properties reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, thereby supporting overall visual health.

- How do Lutein and Zeaxanthin specifically contribute as antioxidants to protect the eyes from oxidative stress and damage?

Mr Kumaran Chandrasergaran states, “Lutein and zeaxanthin neutralize free radicals generated by exposure to the blue light from digital screens.” By protecting eye tissues from oxidative damage, they help maintain optimal vision and reduce the risk of eye diseases. He notes that these carotenoids “protect eye tissues from oxidative damage, thereby supporting eye health.”

- There has been increasing interest in the role of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). What are their efficacy in reducing the risk of AMD development, and how early intervention with these nutrients may impact long-term eye health outcomes?

“Research suggests that Lutein and zeaxanthin play a crucial role in reducing AMD. Early intervention with Lutein and zeaxanthin through supplementation and diet can significantly impact long-term eye health by protecting against ageing and environmental stressors on the eyes,” says Mr Kumaran Chandrasergaran. These nutrients act as antioxidants, shielding the eyes from oxidative damage and supporting overall visual health.

- How do Lutein and Zeaxanthin, particularly when taken as supplements, play a role in protecting the eyes from the potential damage caused by prolonged exposure to blue light?

According to Mr. Kumaran Chandrasergaran, “Upon consumption, Lutein and Zeaxanthin accumulate in the retina in the form of a neutral filter for the blue light. By absorbing and filtering high-energy blue light, this will help reduce the risk of oxidative stress and cellular damage in the eyes and support visual comfort.” These supplements enhance the eyes' natural defence, mitigating potential long-term damage from prolonged blue light exposure.

- Beyond supplementation, what are some dietary sources rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, and how can individuals obtain adequate levels of these nutrients through their diet alone?

“These two ingredients are naturally abundant in fruits and vegetables,” he states. Specifically, they are found “in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens, as well as yellow and orange fruits such as oranges, mangoes, and papayas.” Including these foods in your daily diet can help you achieve adequate levels of Lutein and Zeaxanthin for optimal eye health.

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