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The Ultimate Diet? Dangers of Losing 10kg in 5 Days (+ A Few Organ Failures)

The only diet you need to know to be the healthiest version of you!

Are you sick of being fat? Do you want to get rid of all the jiggle and blubber so you can look like America's Next Top Model? Well, we have the solution! This hack will save you time, energy, and money and the best thing of all—you don't even have to step a foot into the gym! All it'll cost you is a bit of malnutrition, crushed self-esteem, and a few eating disorders but hey, you'll finally fit a size 0!

I hope you see the irony of our words.

In a world obsessed with the “perfect body”, we find ourselves entangled in the seductive web of toxic diet culture. Trending diets promise rapid weight loss, but beneath the glossy facade lies a darker truth.

Let’s unmask the profit-driven, million-dollar industry that has planted the seed of “ultimate diets” and break free of it once and for all. So let's liberate ourselves from this fantasy of overnight transformations and find the genuine path to creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle. 


Nina Shahriman chevron_right

Editor by day, cat mum by night. Nina has been professionally writing for 7+ years and has advanced expertise in all things beauty ...

The Weight of Toxic Diet Culture

Envision diet culture as a lens through which we view beauty, health, and our bodies—a lens that taints our judgments and dictates how we treat ourselves. It exalts thinness as the ultimate measure of success and allure.

We're led to believe that adhering to certain eating patterns will grant us the coveted "right" body size and ultimate health—a pursuit only achievable with the "right" willpower and determination which is just an easy way of saying if you’ve got guts to go to the extremes, only then shall you make it.

However, the reality of it is that there is no singular "right" body size. The stark truth reveals diets' 98% failure rate, exposing the unattainable standard society has coerced us to pursue. It leaves us feeling discontented and judgmental of ourselves and others, enticing us with the misguided notion that shedding pounds is the key to happiness.

We find ourselves heeding the age-old advice about what's best for our well-being and image, led to believe that the "after" photos of others hold the key to a shimmering future. Even if you're not actively pursuing weight loss, diet culture tends to sneak into our lives through choices we make for health, appearance, or simply to fit in or engage in conversation, as it's considered something we should all relate to.

From a health/fitness editor's point of view, there's been way too many times I've been stuck in conversations about counting calories, how eating a heavier lunch means that we need to skip dinner, and the never-ending guilt-talk of how this milk is healthier than others when in reality, it would take gallons to actually show the effect of the calories we try so hard to cut.

It's become so normalised to openly talk about food restrictions that we become blissfully unaware of how that guilt can play on the mental health of the people around us.

Wellness Trends—the Modern Take to Toxic Diet Fads (and the Harm)

The problem starts when the term "wellness" often sneaks in as a fancy word for "diet."

Those who advocate against diet culture bring forth a compelling argument—it impacts individuals of all body types but particularly targets those in larger bodies. While the beauty of health knows no bounds when it comes to size and shape, society casts us into disparate experiences depending on our physical form.

The harsh realities of weight stigma and thin privilege cannot be ignored, leaving no soul immune to feeling marginalised by the incessant allure of diet culture. Even the ones adorned with "average" or slender bodies may find themselves grappling with the nagging feeling of not being enough in all the "right" places. This relentless pursuit of thinness fosters a cascade of shame, coercing us to chase after an elusive ideal at any expense.

Despite the million-dollar promises by diet gurus, no diet has been proven to be a sustainable solution. The whimsical nature of diet trends perpetuates the cycle of short-lived fixes that vanish with the next overhyped "ultimate" trend. The undeniable biological truth—dieting is but a futile endeavour.

What we’re looking at is long-term health concerns from restricting our bodies to a balanced diet because “it’s higher in calories” and internalising eating disorders which could lead to an unhealthy relationship to food. Unfortunately, this could even be the start of generational trauma for our kids and the future generation as we continue to normalise these diets for them to follow, thus, starting a toxic cycle of abuse.

This is where we need to draw the line.

The Mastermind—the Diet Industry

As diet trends gain momentum and create devoted followers, the industry thrives, capitalising on people's desire for quick fixes and societal pressure to attain the ideal body. By perpetuating the myth of "healthy" diets, the industry ensures a steady stream of consumers seeking the next big diet trend, often without considering the potential consequences.

Critics argue that some diet trends may be promoted without rigorous scientific evidence, leaving consumers vulnerable to misinformation. The diet industry's influence reaches far and wide, from celebrity endorsements to meticulously crafted marketing campaigns, subtly shaping our perceptions of what is considered healthy and desirable.

This isn’t new even to Malaysia as this wave of marketing weight loss diet programs, trends and products has now become a “wellness act to a healthier you.” More clinics and brands have started promoting these taglines in order to sell and contribute to the problem. What’s worse are diet products developed by the sketchier market that will indeed show how dangerous these trends can be when you’re wheeled in from kidney failure.

Scared? You should be. The industry doesn’t care what happens to you because it’s not their liability. This is why we need to make more informed choices of what we put our bodies through because, at the end of it all, we only have one of it.

The Real Ultimate Diet

In the grand pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we unearth the only true "diet"—cultivating healthy habits.

Instead of confining ourselves to restrictive eating patterns, let's embrace a more nourishing approach by adding wholesome, nutritious foods to our plates. Instead of feeling guilty about your instant noodles, add vegetables and lean protein to make it a balanced meal. Food isn’t our enemy, we need it to live—and that’s why we need to have a good relationship with it.

Moreover, beyond the confines of rigid workout regimens, let's design a weekly exercise routine that suits our unique lifestyles. It could be dancing to your favourite tunes while you cook, going on hiking trails with your friends, or finding solace in weekend swimming sessions. Exercise shouldn’t be a chore but a necessary part of your weekly grind.

The ultimate diet is not one of deprivation, but one that fosters a loving relationship with ourselves—where healthy habits reign and self-compassion flourishes.

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