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ROIDMI Eve Plus Robot Vacuum Christmas Sale

Save RM400 on the ROIDMI Eve Plus Robot Vacuum This Christmas

It'll come in useful for CNY too!

At this point, you’ve probably already heard Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” playing in some mall. This can only mean one thing – Christmas arriving in the blink of an eye. As we all prepare to get merry and enjoy the festive season with our loved ones, it’s important we don’t forget to give the home a deep clean.

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ROIDMI Eve Plus Robot Vacuum
ROIDMI Eve Plus Robot Vacuum
Check ROIDMI Eve Plus Robot Vacuum price below:

This Christmas season, get the ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum at RM400 lesser when you purchase it on Shopee

Many tend to overlook how helpful a high-tech robot vacuum can be in one’s life, especially when it’s the year-end holidays – because who wants to spend their time off cleaning the house? If you missed the ROIDMI’s Black Friday sale, the next best time to snatch a robot for yourself is none other than during the coming Christmas sale. 

The ROIDMI Eve Plus is a top-tier self-emptying robovac as it is superior in terms of features, performance, design, and price. 


Besides its whopping 2,700pa suction that can pull out deeply bedded dust with ease, the robot vacuum also has a 250ml tank with multiple levels of water control for different floor types. Its large 5200mAh battery life is also impressive, being able to clean up to 250 minutes or around 250sqm (~2700 sq ft) after a full single charge. 

Something worth mentioning is the robot’s auto home dock feature. Once the dust tray is full, it automatically docks back home to empty the waste – a time (and life) saver indeed. Its 3-litre enclosed bag in the dust station can hold up to 60 days’ worth of dust and dirt, but ideally, it’s better to have the dust bag changed once a month. Fret not as the home station screen will remind you to replace the bag once it’s full. 

The ROIDMI Eve Plus also has an industry-leading dust bag self-sterilization feature that not only sterilizes dangerous microbes but also removes common toxic chemicals like ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, and TVOC. 

To take away, the ROIDMI Eve Plus is a convenient and powerful robot vacuum-cum-mop that will give you a break and consistently maintain cleanliness at home.

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