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8 Ways You Can Get Rid Of That Bloated Tummy For Good!

Could you be the reason for your bloated stomach?

After savouring that last bite of your scrumptious meal, you can’t help but notice that your waistband feels extremely tight around your stomach. What’s even odder is that you merely took just a handful of a portion of the meal. If that’s the case, then you are experiencing a bloated stomach.

What is Bloating?  

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Abdominal bloating occurs when the abdomen feels full and tight. It happens because there is accumulated gas, excessive amounts of solids or liquids somewhere in your digestive system. As a result, the stomach appears larger than normal. At times, it may also feel tender or painful.

What’s Causing You to Have a Bloated Tummy?

You may not realize it, but you could be doing things that lead to a bloated tummy.

1. You’re eating too much

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We can’t help ourselves when food tastes so irresistibly good, so good that we stuff ourselves more than what our stomach can take! This will obviously lead to bloating. Another cause of bloating is when you’re chewing your food too rapidly or in large chunks.

2. You have food allergies

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Allergies and intolerances to certain food may cause bloating, among other digestive issues that you do not realize you have. By consuming foods that you’re intolerant of can cause excess production of gas. Some common foods and ingredients that many are intolerant of are lactose, fructose, eggs, wheat and gluten.

3. You’re swallowing air while eating

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There are two kinds of gases in our digestive systems; one is produced by the bacteria in our gut, and the other is what we swallow while eating or drinking. The latter is the prime suspect to the gaseous stomach state which is usually via eating fast or carbonated beverages.

4. You’re eating ‘gassy’ food

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Speaking of gassy drinks, legumes, whole grains and fatty food are also common culprits to gas in our gut. Fatty foods reduce digestion and the emptying of the stomach, which can give rise to the tendency of bloating.

5. You May Be Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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The most common symptom faced by those who suffer from IBS is bloating. You may be consuming foods of indigestible carbohydrates that could be aggravating the symptoms of IBS even more.

6. You are consuming too much sugar alcohols

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Sugar alcohols are found in sugar-free foods and chewing gums. They represent the safer alternatives to sugar. Yet, consuming them in large quantities can cause the bacteria in your large intestine to digest them and produce gas.

7. You may be constipated

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Being constipated can also lead to bloating. The result of constipation is due to the fact of not having sufficient fibre in your diet. Still, care needs to be taken when consuming fibre especially when you are suffering from bloating.

8. You’re lacking certain supplements

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Digestive problems ensue when we do not take proper heed in consuming the necessary supplements that our body needs. Supplements such as digestive enzymes or probiotics work wonders for those with digestive problems, which in turn can help counter bloating issues.

Luckily, there are over-the-counter products that you can take to help ease and reduce your bloating problems.  

Nature's Bounty Acidophilus Probiotic, Digestive Health
Nature's Bounty
Nature's Bounty Acidophilus Probiotic, Digestive Health
Check Nature's Bounty Acidophilus Probiotic, Digestive Health price below:

These probiotic capsules are effective for your digestive and intestinal health. They contain 100 million active Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which is the friendlier bacteria for the digestive system.

Gaia Herbs Gas & Bloating Tea
Gaia Herbs Gas & Bloating Tea
Check Gaia Herbs Gas & Bloating Tea price below:

If you are looking for something milder, this caffeine-free tea relieves any digestive issues. It is a fast-acting herbal tea that works great to relieve you of your digestive discomfort, like bloating.

Amazing Grass, Organic Green Superfood DETOX & DIGEST with Probiotics
Amazing Grass, Organic Green Superfood DETOX & DIGEST with Probiotics
Check Amazing Grass, Organic Green Superfood DETOX & DIGEST with Probiotics price below:

Here is a powdered form of supplement that you can consume to overcome bloating. This powder is made up of superfoods and probiotics to eliminate toxins and support your digestive system. It contains mainly greens, guaranteeing you an all-natural product consumption that is safe for your gut.

By following these simple steps, your tummy will be feeling uber good in no time! 

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